Reply To: Module 3 – Stars, Space and Aliens

Michelle Carr

    Activity: Stars

    This activity is aimed for a junior/senior infant class.

    I would start this activity with a star image from ESO. This would be a starting point for our lesson.

    English: Discussions would be based around. What the image is, where the image is taken from, when do we see stars, what could we use to see stars far away.

    Maths: We could further develop this into our maths using the idea of stars consolations. What is a star consolation? Images of famous star consolations. What patterns can they see on these star images Etc. The children could then be given a peg board and pegs to create their own star consolations.

    Art: You could extend this into art where the children would use black sugar paper and paint to create an image of their own night sky.

    These lessons could take place over a 2 week period to allow lots of time for discussion amd language development and to cover the theme comprehensively. Thanks Michelle

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