Reply To: Module 5 – Rockets & Alien Chemistry

Deirdre Ni mhurchu

    Choose one of the activities or activity sets outlined in this module – How would you use the activity in your classroom? or consolidate your experiences and action plans in the course by creating a class plan to engage with Space Week. Post a reflective piece (150 words min) to the forum as a reply to this post. You may include digital records of the activities.

    Space Week 2024. The Space week website is filled with great ideas and planning which makes it very accessible for teachers. It would be nice to have different activities on each day of Space Week. Twinkl and Teachers Pay Teachers also have some useful supporting resources too.

    I would firstly have a Space Fact per day for the week and display this daily on the classroom door. As mentioned I work in a hospital school so I would also have print outs of the daily space facts for the children to share with parents and staff when they return to their bedroom.

    The children also love making a weekly newsletter that we hand out to staff and children and patients so we can create the newsletter the week before and display it outside the classroom. The children can update the newsletter as the week goes on and make one the following week.

    I would chose one experiment per day as well. In our setting it’s nice to have activities that are easily differentiated as we have many age groups and sometimes don’t know which pupils will be in that day. So having options for all abilities is great.

    We have mini stem kits from Digi wiz that are so popular in our school currently so sending the kids back with a stem kit per day would be nice too.

    There are so many fantastic online resources to explore too. It would interesting to explore these sites throughout the week and also allow the children to explore the sites on the ipads in the classroom too.

    There’s lots of curricular integration options too. Using art to create martians, space crafts and planets. I play music during art lessons so it would be nice to incorporate some the new solar systems songs discussed on this course and add it to my usual art playlist.

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