Reply To: Module 5 – Rockets & Alien Chemistry

Jane Donegan

    Senior Infants / 1st Class 

    Introduction: ‘How to Catch a Star’ by Oliver Jeffers. Read the book and link it back to what we have already covered about stars and constellations.

    Stimulus: I will have a star hanging from the ceiling in the centre of the classroom. Using the materials that I have on my desk, I would pose the wonder question ‘I wonder if we could reach a star’.

    Designing and Making / Group Work: Children will make ‘Rocket Mice’. Once every group has successfully launched their mouse; each group will demo their launch in an attempt to touch the hanging star.

    Guided discovery: I would have given each group a different sized bottle and pose the question to the children whose rocket launched the mouse the highest and why?

    Talk and Discussion: How did the size of the bottles effect the height? Introduce and discuss fair testing.