Reply To: Module 4 – School Self Evaluation & Science Skills

Home Forums Teaching Space in Junior Classes with Curious Minds and ESERO Module 4 – School Self Evaluation & Science Skills Reply To: Module 4 – School Self Evaluation & Science Skills

Profile photo ofFrances.McCarthy@bco.ieFrances McCarthy
TeachNet Moderator


    There is an outline of the blubber glove here:

    I’ve only seen it made with solid fat, how well does the coconut oil version work? I’m not familiar with coconut oil, but it seems to be a solid up to 25 degrees, so wouldn’t it melt when hands touch it?

    Would you share the Inquiry Framework that we discussed in Module 1 as you structured the stations? The scenarios can act as prompts, and the children should be encouraged to ask their own questions, make predictions based on their understanding and then carry out their investigation.

    So blubber glove station could have instructions on how to make a blubber glove, but the children can explore for themselves if:

    1. Does thicker blubber mean my hand can last longer in the cold water?

    2. Does thicker blubber make it harder for my hand to move (they’d have to work out how to measure this)

    3. Does vergetable shortening blubber work as well as coconut oil blubber…


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