Reply To: Module 3 – Stars, Space and Aliens

Deirdre Fay

    I would start my activity on space and aliens by using the picture book “Aliens wear underpants”. This is a fun and engaging book to spark interest and a great stimulus for discussions on space and aliens.
    Think, pair and share – what we know about space and aliens
    Brainstorm- what do you think aliens looks like and put drawings and words up on the IWB.
    Template given for all children to engage with drawing their own alien- think about how we can make this – discussion on materials needed etc.
    Make our aliens using a selection of 3d materials
    Talk and discussion on shapes we made/ how many eyes/ mouths etc. (number work and shape and space)
    Follow up – create an alien using 2d shapes – cut and stick activity – talk and discussion – did anyone use a triangle/circle/ square to make their picture? What shapes did you use and why?

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