Reply To: Module 2 – The Moon, the Earth and the Sun

Grainne Soden

    For my classroom, I chose the activity “What Does the Moon Look Like?” from the Moon activity set. This activity helps children observe the Moon and notice how it changes shape over time.

    First, we would start with a simple discussion about the Moon. I would ask the students if they have ever looked at the Moon and if they noticed that it sometimes looks different. We would then read a picture book about the Moon to make the topic more interesting.

    Next, I would give each child a special “Moon Journal” with blank pages. Each night for a week, I would ask the children to look at the Moon with their parents and draw what they see. In class, we would share our drawings and talk about the different shapes we observed, like the full moon, half moon, and crescent moon.

    This activity would be a wonderful way for the children to learn about the Moon through observation and drawing. It would also help them develop their observational skills and enjoy learning about space in a fun and engaging way.

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