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I will definitely use all of these activities in my class for next year. This module has been filled with excellent exemplars from the facilittor but also from the participants suggestions. I have found I have earned lots from it too in terms of content and have a bit to go yet1 I loved the resourses used, sun and earth inflatabes and I have already ordered the UV beads !!! I really was impressed by the two teddies stuck n the globe to explian night and day time in different parts of the world
The Lesson I will outline uses the concept of the sun and the Shadows. I would introduce topic by using the song Mr Sun, sun, Mr Golden Sun, please shine down on me as a stimulus. I would conduct a KWL chart on the sun to glean knowledge base of the class. I would have prepared fun facts of the sun on crumpled yellow/ orange paper. These would be used in the parachute and play Sun Burst game where we bounce all balls inside the parachute. We will sing song again and then shout Sunburst. Whatever ball fall out of parachut, teacher child child will read the fun facts aloud to group. We will return continue until all facts are read. After game we can return indoors and record a fun fact we remember from the game either orally or written depending.
I envision that this could be spread over a week or more as we would explore the shadows element later or on another day. We would go outside and find our shadows, and play shadow chasing. Then we would draw our shadows using chalk.
Shadow positioning would be explored by revisistng our shadows later in the day to see if there is a difference, however I woud like to spend time using the activity outlined in the module using torches and campsite scene.
I feel all these activities need time and space so carrying them out over time would allowthe children to experiment, explore and be curious. It really is very experiential learning.