Reply To: Module 5 – Rockets & Alien Chemistry

John O Connor

    Activity Set: Rockets
    I think the rockets activity set allows for the perfect opportunity for a whole school space week activity. The module provided for the perfect opportunity to have everyone working on the same type of activity. The Penny rocket idea would be a great way to introduce the concept of propulsion to all classes in the junior end. The children should be allowed to make predictions before and then share observations about what happened after. It would be a great activity for children to share at home.

    Infant level classes could work on the mice rockets and have 5th and 6th class help to assist them in how far their rockets travelled in the air.

    1st and 2nd class could then try the balloon rocket activity. A hall or an outside playground would be ideal for investigation into their balloon rocket design. I would get the children to work in groups where they would get three attempts so that they would be encouraged to adapt their design.

    I think the senior end of the school could also engage and be motivated in creating paper and foam rockets. 5th and 6th class could look at how astronauts return to earth and engage in an egg drop activity.

    The week should also involve classes learning about astronauts and special moments in space travel. Children from senior classes could also conduct mock interviews with children in the junior classes about their rocket launch.

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