Reply To: Module 4 – School Self Evaluation & Science Skills

Home Forums Teaching Space in Junior Classes with Curious Minds and ESERO Module 4 – School Self Evaluation & Science Skills Reply To: Module 4 – School Self Evaluation & Science Skills

Conor O’Malley

    The activity set I would choose is Where Do you Live with first class.

    I would begin by showing pictures of different types of homes found in Ireland on the IWB – semi detached, cottages, apartments, trailers etc. We would discuss similarities and differences among these. Pupils would pair up and talk about their homes, before sharing with the whole class.

    Pupils would then be given the worksheet from the activity. They would pick the home that is most like theirs and colour it in.

    Next the children would be given plasticine to make a model of their own house. They can refer to the worksheet previously worked on. Another option to plasticine would be to use pieces cardboard and cut out pieces of coloured card and paper. The children can make 2D models of their home using rectangles squares and triangles.

    When finished, all of the homes can be put together on a large piece of card to create a village. The class would sit together to discuss what else we need in the village, what do we do here. Children could create the misding things like a school, library, shops, bakery playgrounds, fields to grow wheat and food. We would make a list of all things that make a village and name some of these in the local area.

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