Reply To: Module 5 – Rockets & Alien Chemistry

Emma Furney

    I have decided to choose Space-Designing a Spacecraft based on Space Week’s content. I have already earmarked Space Week in my school diary and all the reference materials from this course to utilise, both in my own classroom and to share with my colleagues.

    Firstly, I would show the pupils a picture of a spacecraft on the board and generate discussion about it. I would pose some questions e.g. What is it? What is it used for? Where does it travel to? Who might travel in it? What size might it be? What shapes can you see? Why do you think it is designed like that?

    Then, I would explain to the children that the very first spacecraft left Earth in the year 1957. I would lay out materials and explain that we are going to make a spacecraft using a variety of materials i.e. paint, paintbrushes, glue, coloured paper, water, effervescent tablets and tube and a scissors. I would model how to make a spacecraft in a step-by-step manner. Then, I would display the visual pictures from page. 2 of the Spacecraft Lesson on the board for the pupils to follow (in small groups).
    *We would aim to perform the task outside if possible.

    To conclude, I would ask the pupils to revise the steps and complete a sequencing activity (create a storyboard of the steps involved and include drawings and key words also).

    • This reply was modified 5 months, 1 week ago by Emma Furney.
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