Reply To: Module 5 – Rockets & Alien Chemistry

Lorraine Mulvaney

    Engage with Space Week
    Introduce the concept of space and the planets by reading a story set in space or a space themed story such as Aliens in Underpants Save the World. Show pictures of each planet. Discuss the characteristics of each planet such as distance from the sun and some age appropriate facts. Finish the lesson with a crayon resist space art activity.
    Teach students about the phases of the moon using jaffa cakes. Discuss the importance of the moon in space exploration. Listen to an audio clip of the first landing on the moon by Neil Armstrong. Finish the lesson by baking rock buns with the children.
    Reminding the students of the audio clip they listened to yesterday, introduce the concept of astronauts and space exploration. Watch a video clip of the moon landing. Show the children different types of rockets that have been launched over the years. Finish the lesson by providing the children with craft materials to create their own rocket.
    Explore the concept of stars and constellations today. Define “star” and explain what stars are made of. For younger classes you could play the song “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Complete a “connect the dots” activity to form constellations from stars. Finish the lesson by creating individual telescopes. If possible, use a projector to project stars on to the ceiling of the classroom and have the children use their telescopes to go star gazing.
    Pupils complete a quiz online such as Kahoot as a revision of what they have learned all week. Pupils make alien slime in the classroom. Pupils then use kids art hub to draw an alien.

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