Reply To: Module 1 – The Curious Minds/ESERO Framework

Denise Duffy

    I love doing floating and sinking with my classes. I work in a junior school so my experience is up to 2nd class age children. We gather objects and experiment at a class level. I just love when the children are so engaged and they ask questions to each other and give their explanations as to why they think it may or may not float before someone is nominated to test it out.  After this the children go into groups and decide.what they want to test. They make predictions in both scenarios and record them on whiteboards. Sometimes we record our experiences later in report writing activities. This presenter in the inquiry you tube video was correct to say that no two science lessons are the same. This year for the first time.ever the children set up a little experiment at the back of the class. Some were.cerrain that over time some object will sink despite floating initially. They made a sign asking will it float or sink and stuck it beside the fish tank. Sure enough the paper sank and the wooden dice began to submerge. Additionally they were delighted that the dye from the paper actually colored the water. I.myself had not.anticipated this.

    I will be using thw spillage idea from this module for.certain next year. I love how it.expands into waterproof clothing also.

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