Reply To: Module 3 – Stars, Space and Aliens

Clodagh Jackman

    Chosen Activity Set: Space and Aliens.
    Based on ESERO 19 – Special Life. Aimed at the infant classes.
    Watch video on YouTube ‘Are Aliens Real?’ By SciShow Kids as a stimulus. This video is animated and explains aliens in a nice way to children. It explains that scientists have not you found any evidence that aliens exist, and that the aliens we see in books and on television are made up using our imagination. It explains that so far, scientists believe that Earth is the only planet that has water, oxygen and food, all of which are essential for life. Sometimes however, it is fun to use our imagination and pretend that there are aliens living in space!
    Activity 1:
    Brainstorm as a class. Make a list of all the things that are special on planet Earth. Children will have a few ideas from watching the video and will be able to think of a few more.
    Activity 2:
    Draw an alien and colour it in. Children will have lots of fun doing this activity.
    Activity 3:
    Bring your alien to life! Discuss in pairs what your alien would talk like, how would they get around- would they walk or fly or crawl? What would they eat? What kind of house would they live in? etc.

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