Reply To: Module 2 – The Moon, the Earth and the Sun

Emma Furney

    I found Module 2 to be a very interesting, informative and interactive module. I have decided to focus on Activity Set: The Planets.I would base my lesson on, and take several of the ideas from the Esero lesson plan provided ‘Journey through the Solar System’. I would also tweak/change some of the ideas to suit my class level.

    I really like the idea of introducing the lesson by starting with the pupils’ locality and where they live and then extending the conversation to the county/country they live in, the continent they live on and what planet they live on i.e. Planet Earth. This will lead very nicely into a discussion about the Solar System and all the planets. I would play the “We Are The Planets’ song here by StoryBots to allow the pupils to visualize the planets and the position of the sun. I would also show the pupils simple profiles of each planet i.e. colour, size, position from the sun and discuss them as a class.

    I would then play the ‘Planet Game’ using hula hoops and place the yellow sun in the middle. I would explain to the pupils that they can ‘planet hop’ between planets and when they land on a planet, they have to pose a question e.g. ‘Mars, what colour are you?’ (while having the planet profiles visible to the pupils as a reference).

    Then, I would finish the lesson by passing a speaking object to each pupil and ask them to share one fun fact they learned or one thing about the lesson they really enjoyed. If there was time, I would play The Planet Song again.