Reply To: Module 1 – The Curious Minds/ESERO Framework

Profile photo ofFrances.McCarthy@bco.ieFrances McCarthy
TeachNet Moderator

    Hi Leeanne

    ESERO’s Design a Spacesuit has some nice images that would support this activity.

    To bring out the inquiry aspect of this, (referencing the Curious Minds ESERO Framework for Inquiry) I would use the scenario of designing a spacesuit as the prompt, encourage the children to wonder and explore the different types of clothing. As you have mentioned, one criteria is “keep them warm”, so the children could carry out an investigation as to which of the materials you have provided keep something warm the longest. In a typical classroom this often means having something hot inside the fabric  – which can be a bit hazardous (at second level this is often hot water inside metal cans with different layers of insulation, a thermometer measuring the temperature), so this could be modified to “keep something cold” – (the heat from outside can’t get in). Then you can look at keeping an ice cube cold – and will a thick warm sock keep it cold or will a thin tight be better? This can be the starter question and they can share their thinking as they make a prediction.

    Once they have shared results, they can consider their next step, which could be their design of the suit using the materials that they have found best to keep the heat out (which is the same as heat in).

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