Reply To: Module 5 – Rockets & Alien Chemistry

Ciara Lane

    Class Plan for space week:

    Go Stargazing. The children can wear pyjamas. Wake up to a dark classroom with Stellarium on the board and sketch what they see. They can use props like telescopes.
    They will then come up with a plan to catch a star (Based on Oliver Jeffers’ How to Catch a Star). They will build their rockets, pack for space and step into their rockets for their journey to space.
    Afterwards out of role we will discuss if our plans would actually work. Why/ why not.

    Write postcards home from space.

    Write shape poems in the shape of rockets (inspired by a participant post in the forum)

    Play an oral language barrier game (space themed)

    Write a procedural How to Catch a Star/ How to Brush your Teeth in Space etc

    Come up with questions to ask an astronaut

    Irish: space vocab, stories and drama

    Maths: decode riddles sent by an alien to us (sums to decode/ shapes to decode etc based on maths topic)

    History: The Moon Landing, could then link with moon content from these modules such as the flour crater activity

    Geography: Life on Earth, what clothes would we wear to space, does space have weather?

    Science: Rocket experiment/ crater experiment/ gravity

    Art: design rockets/ clay aliens/ papier mache solar systems, splatter paining stars

    Music: Space themed percussion and singing

    PE: Space themed dance

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