Reply To: Module 4 – School Self Evaluation & Science Skills

Home Forums Teaching Space in Junior Classes with Curious Minds and ESERO Module 4 – School Self Evaluation & Science Skills Reply To: Module 4 – School Self Evaluation & Science Skills

Ciara Lane

    One of the resources which I would use in my classroom is Stellarium. I think this would be an excellent lead on from some of the lessons about stars discussed in the last module.

    I would teach about stars starting with a prompt like How to Catch a Star. I would ask the children to create an origami star as suggested by one participant in the forum and when completed I would hang them up in the classroom and discuss how many there are. We would then discuss if there are more or less stars in the sky, do we know how many stars are in the sky, would it be possible to count them.

    Then I would tell the children we are going stargazing together. We would talk about what time we could go star gazing at and what we might bring. We would change the time on our clock to night time and get ready by putting on coats, bringing blankets, telescopes, binoculars etc.

    I would make the classroom as dark as possible and ask the children to make the drama journey to outside at night time. I will get them sitting/ standing/lying as they wish and we will talk about how it is quieter at night. Why is that? Everyone is at home/ in bed etc.

    I would then put on Stellarium and ask the children to discuss their observations of the sky. I would ask them if they think it looks exactly the same no matter where you are, would it be the same if we tried again a different day.

    I would then ask the children to sketch the sky from their perspective and we would estimate how many stars we could see.

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