Reply To: Module 4 – School Self Evaluation & Science Skills

Home Forums Teaching Space in Junior Classes with Curious Minds and ESERO Module 4 – School Self Evaluation & Science Skills Reply To: Module 4 – School Self Evaluation & Science Skills

Meadhbh O’ Hara

    The activity I have chosen is ESERO -where do you live?

    I really liked this activity as it is a hands on learning experience for the children. It is an engaging way to further the students understanding of where they live in the world and where other peripheral live for example the other children in their class as this can be a challenging concept for children to understand. I also liked the many possibilities for integration this lesson has. This theme of where do you live could be linked across many different curricular areas for example in geography and history learning about the different types of Homes we all live in or different houses from the past.
    I would begin this lesson by engaging the class in a group discussion about what their own house looks and asking questions such as what colour is your house? Does your house have a stairs ? I would also compare children’s answers for example okay so Tom’s house has an upstairs but Anna’s doesn’t etc to make the children aware of different types of houses. Then using the house worksheet in the ESERO lesson I would provide students with the different materials to create the house that looks the most like theirs on the worksheet. This activity is another great curricular link to art as the students are exploring different materials to build their house. To conclude the lesson I will ask the students to group their houses together and encourage the students to discuss what they see when all the houses are grouped together and look like where they live or is there some things missing from the village.

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