Reply To: Module 3 – Stars, Space and Aliens

Ciara Lane

    Hi Margaret,

    I absolutely love your integration ideas here. I read the story that you’ve mentioned when I was a child and had completely forgotten about it until now. It would be such a lovely stimulus to get the children interested and I am delighted to see that there is a way of accessing the eBook as I feel like I never stop buying picture books!

    The origami stars is such a fun idea and I always find origami to be one of the art lessons that really sticks with the children. Every time I have done origami I’ve noticed so many children carry on making the item over and over again during the year at any given opportunity. I also think this is a lovely way to lead into the ‘how many stars’ activity mentioned in this module as we could discuss how many stars are at each group, display and discuss how many are in the whole class, how many would be in the whole school and then wonder are there more stars than this?

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