Reply To: Module 4 – School Self Evaluation & Science Skills

Home Forums Teaching Space in Junior Classes with Curious Minds and ESERO Module 4 – School Self Evaluation & Science Skills Reply To: Module 4 – School Self Evaluation & Science Skills

Mark Colgan

    The activities from this Module that I would use in my lessons would be: Animals in the Cold and What Clothes to Wear/ Investigating Coats. The first thing I would do is engage the class in a discussion on types of weather, which would evolve into discussing how animals keep warm.
    I would follow this with an activity that I have done with several classes: Blubber Glove experiment. This experiment shows children how polar bears and other animals that have blubber survive in such cold conditions. I take cooking fat or lard and place it in a zip-lock bag. This bag is passed around the class so that the children can touch it and help to squeeze and bash it. When each child has had the opportunity to feel the lard, I place the bag in a tub of ice water with the opening above the water line. Each child gets a medical- grade glove, and then takes turns dipping their hands in the water. The gloved hand will go into the bag of lard in the water and the other hand will go into the water. The child will not feel the cold in the gloved hand at all. This illustrates for the children how blubber works. In a subsequent lesson, we would have circle time in which the children would bring their coats into the circle. This would spark a class discussion involving what weather would require coats, what makes coats effective, etc. We would follow this up with the Investigating Children’s Coats lesson from Curious Minds/ Primary Science.

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