Reply To: Module 5 – Rockets & Alien Chemistry

Julie O’ Sullivan

    There are lots of great ideas throughout this course which could be used for Space Week. I particularly like the work around rockets and I think this is something which always appeals to the children. As I will be teaching Junior Infants I would like to try to Mice Rockets. I am the Green Schools Coordinator and we recently had a ‘Junk Art’ competition whereby we encouraged the children in the school to create something using materials that they would be recycling. We got such a great selection of fantastic art work. Rockets were one item which many children made and it was great to see the different variations and how they made them. The art competition is something which we intend to run again but I am thinking it might be nice to incorporate something similar for Space Week whereby the children in the school make rockets using recyclable materials. We could do some paired work whereby some of the older kids could partner up with younger kids and help them. I think this is something which would be great fun and I would imagine we’d get a great selection of rockets.

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