Reply To: Module 2 – The Moon, the Earth and the Sun

Laura Kelly

    The activity set I would choose to teach is, ‘The Moon’. I would a station approach to teach this in an infant classroom. I would have the four stations as follows:

    Station 1: Dress up/ role play. The children love dressing up and using their imagination. The children would be role playing astronauts on a mission to the moon.

    Station 2: Maths station. The children would be using their measuring skills to measure ‘moon rocks’. I would create a variety of moon rocks using tin foil. The children can use balance scales and measure the different rocks. They can also describe the shape and length of each of the rocks.

    Station 3: Art: The children can create a puffy paint moon on a paper plate. The children will need a paper plate, shaving foam, marbles, and glue. The children will mix the shaving foam and glue together and paint it onto a paper plate to create a puffy effect. The children will drop marbles onto the paper plate, when it all dries the holes from dropping the marbles will look like craters on the moon.

    Station 4: Literacy: the children will create a checklist of items they need to bring to the moon. This can be differentiated, weaker children can draw pictures instead of writing the list.

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