Reply To: Module 4 – School Self Evaluation & Science Skills

Home Forums Teaching Space in Junior Classes with Curious Minds and ESERO Module 4 – School Self Evaluation & Science Skills Reply To: Module 4 – School Self Evaluation & Science Skills

Deirdre ODriscoll

    Using online resources and tools like and ESA Kids will greatly enhance teaching a lesson about space to senior infants with engaging and specific activities. Activity
    Start the lesson by explaining that we will use a special tool to look at the night sky.
    Open on the IWB.
    Show students how to navigate the star map.
    Identify and highlight specific constellations such as the Big Dipper and Orion.
    Point out visible planets like Venus and Mars.
    Discuss the moon’s current phase and its appearance in the night sky.
    Interactive :
    Ask students to choose a constellation they find interesting.
    Use Stellarium to zoom in and explore these constellations in more detail.

    ESA Kids Activity
    Exploring the ESA Kids website.
    Explain that we will watch a video and play a game about space.
    Show a short video from ESA Kids,  “Paxi on the ISS” which gives an insight into life aboard the international space station.
    Interactive Game:
    Downlaod the Paxi in Space app when the class have the school ipads.

    Guide students to an interactive game like “Solar System Exploration” or “Milky Way Match”.
    Allow students to take turns playing the game on an interactive whiteboard or classroom ipad.

    Conclude with a discussion where they share their favourite space facts and the teacher records them on a poster to display .

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