Reply To: Module 1 – The Curious Minds/ESERO Framework


Module 1: Assignment 3 –

Post a reflective piece on how you would use inquiry-based activity in your classroom to the forum (150 words min).

Inquiry-Based Science Lesson I Taught with First Class

Lesson Topic: Exploring the Sky


·      Students will be able to identify objects in the sky during the day and night.

·      Students will ask questions and make observations about the sky.

·      Students will record their observations through drawing and discussion.


Chart paper
Markers and crayons
Construction paper
Glue sticks
Torch (one per group)
Star and moon cutouts
Books or pictures of the sky (day and night)


Gather the students around the teacher and ask, “What do you see when you look up at the sky during the day?” , then ask about night time – record responses on whiteboard.

Show pictures/youtube video of the day and night sky to prompt further discussion.


Divide students into small groups of ‘scientists’ and give them a torch, star and moon cutouts, and construction paper.

Turn off classroom lights and let students use their torch to explore how the moon and stars can be seen in the dark.

Turn on the classroom lights and discuss how the sun can be seen during the day but not the stars and moon.


Students return to their sears and are iven paper and crayons.

Ask the to draw two pictures: one of the sky at day, one of the sky at night.

Conference around the room asking guiding questions, such as “what do you notice about the sun?”


Gather students around teacher and share their drawings.

Make observations about their drawings.

Encourage use of vocabulary like ‘sun’, ‘moon’, ‘stars’, ‘day’, ‘night’


Review what was learned by asking students to recall one thing they notices in the sky during the day and one thing they noticed at night

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