Reply To: Module 5 – Rockets & Alien Chemistry

Helen O Sullivan

    Activity: Rockets

    I love the idea of rockets. I think this is something that all children are fascinated by.


    Sing: We are Going to the Moon ‘

    I would show the children real videos of rockets being launched into space. As young as they are this will really appeal to them and spark interest.

    I have often shown children the Chris Hadfield videos and they are intrigued by the everyday ordinary things which he does

    Hands on Activity; make our own balloon rocket.



    The Process
    Balloon ,straw,string,tape,2 chairs
    Step 1
    Tie one end of string to the one chair which will be about 10 fee from the other chair
    Step 2
    Thread the string through the straw and place two pieces of tape near the middle of the straw.
    Step 3
    Tie the loose end of the string to the other chair and make sure the string is tight
    Step 4
    Blow up below .Hold the end so air can’t escape .Use the two pieces of take to secure the balloon to the straw.
    To reflect and predict what might happen
    Step 5
    Move the straw and balloon to one end of the string ….then let go of balloon and watch what happens !!
    Step 6
    The children will love explaining in their own words what has just happened

    Consolidation and follow up activity

    Using a simple worksheet below the children can record what just happened. We can write and what we needed.

    Then we can draw steps of the process and talk to each other what this was all about!


    Balloon Rocket
    What I needed






    To finish

    We could sing song

    We are Going to the Moon

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