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Hi my name is Felicity I am an SET teacher. I am the science coordinator and I ran weekly stem based lessons for all classes in the school last year and will do so again this new school year. We conducted many inquiry based lessons over the year. We entered ESB Science blast this year. Our investigation was do fruits and vegetables conduct electricity
The children had seen a tic toc about using a lemon to charge their phone and wanted to see if this was true. As part of their investigations they added in different fruit – bananas and also vegetables carrots than the standard lemon and potatoes
the initial investigation led to so many other predictions and investigations. The children led the lesson making and testing ideas as they worked. The science behind their findings was as taught and discussed as they progressed. The older children understood and gained greater knowledge of the science behind their findings throughout than the younger children but all learnt and made predictions which was the aim of the lesson