Reply To: Module 2 – The Moon, the Earth and the Sun

Michelle Curran

    I would focus on the moon as I think this is a great starting point especially for younger children.


    Video clip of moon landing
    Picture book about the Moon – ‘Whatever Next’ & ‘Moon, Earths Best Friend’
    Styrofoam ball
    Darkened room



    I would show the children the video clip of the Apollo 11 moon landing and ask them do they know where the video was taken or what is happening in it? I would then ask students, “What do you know about the Moon?” Record answers on the board.


    Read Aloud: Read ‘Moon, Earth’s Best Friend’ to the class
    Discussion: Discuss key points from the book in particular the phases of the moon.
    Phases of the Moon: Using the flashlight and Styrofoam ball, demonstrate how the Moon’s phases occur. Darken the room, have one student hold the flashlight (representing the Sun), and another hold the ball (the Moon). Show how the light changes on the Moon as it orbits Earth.
    Interactive Activity: Have students take turns modeling the Moon’s orbit to see the phases.



    Review what was learned about the Moon’s phases and features. Answer any questions students have. Read ‘Whatever Next’ my favourite book as a child about a bear travelling to the moon.


    As an extension activity if the class are able, we could track the moon’s phases each day for a month and log this in our classroom

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