Reply To: Module 3 – Stars, Space and Aliens


The activity I would choose from this module is Special Life – Life in space. The learning outcomes will investigate the possibility of alien life in space, followed by a discussion on what they find special about living on Earth. Exploration of life on earth and what they would like to show visitors from other planets could prove interesting and further develop their appreciation of our planet. Incorporating art and drama by asking the children to sketch/draw special animals or objects on earth and acting out their messages. Following on with discussion how successful the enactment was. Was it easier to act out their special object?
A follow on lesson from this I would introduce is from the Mars Classroom resource booklet. Investigating and designing a 3D Martian using clay and a variety of materials would be appropriate for 1st/2nd class. To conclude we would determine that no-one has found any real aliens yet, so we don’t know if they exist or what they look like.

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