Reply To: Module 1 – The Curious Minds/ESERO Framework

David Brennan

    One inquiry-based learning activity I have done with my class is exploring the force of magnetism. We used magnets to discover whether objects were magnetic or not magnetic. We talked about magnets and magnetism at the beginning of the lesson and predicted whether items would be magnetic or not. I separated the children into groups and they played with the magnets, testing different materials to identify magnetic materials. They sorted the items into categories and reported their findings to the class. We discussed the characteristics of magnetic objects and noted what was similar in each magnetic object; i.e. they were all metal. The children noted that magnets can attract or repel depending on what end of the magnet they pushed against each other. I asked the children if they could think of any practical uses for magnets and we made a list. Then we watched a short video about magnetism.

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