Reply To: Module 4 – School Self Evaluation & Science Skills

Home Forums Teaching Space in Junior Classes with Curious Minds and ESERO Module 4 – School Self Evaluation & Science Skills Reply To: Module 4 – School Self Evaluation & Science Skills

Lucy O Mahony

    Hands on classroom themed activities

    I chose this as the children I teach are very young and some have learning difficulties. As it is we record the weather every day. Children are taken to the window or outside to look at the sky and name what they see eg the sun, white/ grey clouds, blue sky, snowflakes etc. Then the child chooses the correct picture to record the weather each day. At the end of each week we count the wet/ sunny/ cloudy days and record this.

    Google Slides : Weather pictures

    Show Children pictures  of different types of weather. Identify the type of weather in each picture. Follow this up by sorting hard copies of these pictures into categories – the seasons. Depending on the group I might only have 2 seasons winter and summer.
    Drama: Role Play. Give a report on today’s weather.

    Coats: Bring in a variety of coats. Look at the coats – the colour, size, material. Ask questions like- what would the weather be like if I wore this coat? Will this coat keep me warm? Is this coat good for a rainy day?

    3 Hoola Hoops with a card on each. Raining, Cold/frosty, sunny Sort the coats into the correct hoop.
    Experiment with different materials. Have 5/6 squares of different materials e.g. plastic sheet, kitchen paper, cotton cloth, cloths from other materials, newspaper, magazine. When I pour water on which is best at soaking up the water/ best at staying dry?
    ESA Kids: Just for fun children could play the Space Memory Game.

    We could also do the What clothes Activiy or explore the topic of Hot or Cold or look at animals who live in warm or cold parts of the world.



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