Reply To: Module 2 – The Moon, the Earth and the Sun

Sarah Byrne

    I would base my lesson on ‘The Planets’.
    There are so many opportunities here for cross curricular links in areas such as Music, Art and P.E.

    I would begin with a KWL chart to see what children know about The Solar System/The Planets.
    Song: ‘The Plants Song’

    Learn about and gather information about the planets in groups, assign each group a planet and ask each group to make a fact file on their planet. Provide the class with books about the planets and use ICT to gather information too, Epic app is great. You can assign various books about the planets (or any topic) to each individual child on the app and they can further research their assigned planet and add to their fact file.
    I also like the idea of circle time using an inflatable planet to share knowledge of the planets with each other and feedback what we have learnt.

    Art lesson: Make the planets using paper mache.

    P.E: The Planet game using hula hoops in the hall ‘Journey Through the Solar System: Lesson 1’. This is a great way for children to know and recognise the planets names and grasp a better understanding of the planets revolving around the sun.

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