Reply To: Module 1 – The Curious Minds/ESERO Framework

Profile photo ofFrances.McCarthy@bco.ieFrances McCarthy
TeachNet Moderator

    Hi Rhonda,

    welcome to the course. Did you know that you can see where Voyager is at this site?

    The phases of the Moon is a tricky topic in the primary curriculum, since it doesn’t actually appear! (it is in Junior Cycle Science).

    Geography expects that children will discuss the Moon, but says nothing about its changing appearance, and even at 5th/6th class it only has

    develop a simple understanding of the interrelationship of these bodies, including day and night and seasonal movements (Planet Earth in space)

    I do think it worth looking at the phases of the Moon, but treat it as Science / Light and shadow – • explore how shadows are formed.

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