Reply To: Module 1 – The Curious Minds/ESERO Framework

Clodagh McClean

    Hello, my name is Clodagh and I will be teaching Senior Infants this coming year.
    I love teaching about space and always find that the children are so engaged in it. I primarily use inquiry based discovery and story books to help my children understand.

    One activity that my class particularly enjoyed to realise the grand scale of space was to get some playdough and divide it into 51 parts. They then, in pairs, put them in two groups, one to represent the moon and the other to represent the earth. It is interesting to see their different understandings on the size difference.
    The actual ratio is 50:1

    they have also loved investigations with different food and comparing the sizes of different planets.

    I never realised how many resources were available on the esero website and particularly the Climate detectives initiative. I really look forward to trying them with my class in September