Reply To: Module 5 – Rockets & Alien Chemistry

Laura O’Meara

    I love using the Aliens love Underpants and Aliens in Underpants Save the World books in my classroom. The children love these stories and so they can easily be used as a stimulus for a lesson looking at Aliens. We would discuss what we think Aliens might look like and how they might differ from us. Children will then be given the opportunity to create their own Aliens using a variety of different materials. They will also describe how and why they create their Aliens in the way they did.
    Following on from this I think it would be great fun to do the Rocket Mice experiment with my Junior Infant class. I think they would have great fun making the mice and then launching them. We could investigate how we might be able to launch the mice further and whether different types of paper or card make a difference to the launch and also would try it with different sized milk cartons.

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