Reply To: Module 4 – School Self Evaluation & Science Skills

Home Forums Teaching Space in Junior Classes with Curious Minds and ESERO Module 4 – School Self Evaluation & Science Skills Reply To: Module 4 – School Self Evaluation & Science Skills

Rachel Doyle

    Activity Set:

    Animals in the cold.

    I would begin a set of lessons related to this activity with pictures of penguins in polar regions. A discussion about the weather conditions and how children keep warm would occur. Together with the pupils, I would brainstorm how they think these animals stay warm. A video of penguins huddling would be displayed and the pupils would be brought outside to experiment if huddling makes them feel warmer. I would read the story ‘Pierre the Penguin’ to the children, about how a penguin lost its feathers and struggled to keep warm. For an art activity, the pupils would be asked to glue and stick feathers onto a penguin to keep it warm. During Aistear, the story of Pierre the Penguin would be dramatised. These lessons could then be extended into hibernation and what clothes to wear.

    • This reply was modified 8 months, 1 week ago by Rachel Doyle.
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