Reply To: Module 4 – School Self Evaluation & Science Skills

Home Forums Teaching Space in Junior Classes with Curious Minds and ESERO Module 4 – School Self Evaluation & Science Skills Reply To: Module 4 – School Self Evaluation & Science Skills

Anne Breen

    Module 4 assignment

    Online resources and tools: How would you use the activity in your classroom?

    Stellarium is really cool. I think this would suit the children in 2nd class. I think it’s graphics and engaging space related subject matter will be really appealing to the children. I have downloaded the Stellarium app which will come in very handy to use with the IWB to show the children the night skies and the beautiful star constellations. They can then use the browser and the website on the chromebooks for individual exploration and stargazing.

    ESA Kids is a fantastic resource by the European Space Agency that I will definitely be using with the children next year. They will really enjoy the online games as well as the arts and craft lesson activities. The rocket lesson in particular has excited me and I think the children will really enjoy designing and making their own rockets. I also really like the Solar System Explorer game.

    The various Paxi videos and the Milo and Marvin cartoons are fantastic. I will also use the Astronomy Picture of the Day resources during Science week and Space week.

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