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In senior infants I have looked at ‘the sun and shadows. Looking at the strand of ‘Light’. I discussed the differences between night and day and how the sun plays a role in creating light and shade and explore how shadows are formed.
This can be done through stations in the class and outside of the classroom environment.
Drama- create shadow puppets and act out using flashlights against a white wall or paper. Children can use hands to create shapes, animals, fingers to represent numbers or have puppets such as lollipop sticks with animals on them creating the shadow shape.
Art – draw out shadows using chalk. Children partner up in pairs or small groups and draw around one of their friends’ shadows. They can then add detail linking to parts of the body e.g. facial features- eyes, nose eyebrows mouth, ears etc.
Shadow matching- you can use a variety of objects to match with the shadow pictures e.g. animals, letters, numbers, shapes, fruit etc. Challenge further by doing visual perception games where children must guess the object based on the shadow.