Reply To: Module 4 – School Self Evaluation & Science Skills

Home Forums Teaching Space in Junior Classes with Curious Minds and ESERO Module 4 – School Self Evaluation & Science Skills Reply To: Module 4 – School Self Evaluation & Science Skills

Anita Cooke

    Hands on activities

    Weather and where do you live- Infants
    Introduce the lesson with a youtube video about different types of weather. Talk and discussion about the different types of weather and when we usually see them. Discuss the seasons and what we might wear in the different weather/seasons.
    Show some pictures of different weather around the world and the different types of houses people live in- Dry climate-mud house, tepee, Polar climate-Igloo, continental climates-white wash etc. Discuss why they might live in these type of houses.
    Visual Arts- using various materials such as cotton wool, sticks and paper, paint children will design a house for one of the above three different climates.
    Follow on activitiy: Design an outfit for teddy in the winter and the summer