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Set: The Moon
I would do the following activities over the period of a month so the children are able to observe and record all phases of the moon.
Introduction activity:
In Space copy draw how they think the moon looks like.
Introductory video to the moon and the phases of the moon – Paxi & Our Moon.
Every week in their Space copy the children record the phases of the moon and 2 or 3 boys do a show and tell for each phase of their drawing – first hand experiences.
In their table groups children are given pictures of the phases of the moon to discuss and identify which phase it is. Each group can come in front and discuss their moon phase.
After a full cycle- fine motor stations to revise phases of the moon.
Station 1 – Oreo phases of the moon activity.
Station 2 – puzzle phases of the moon put together.
Station 3 – Whiteboard/Chalk drawing phases of the moon.
Station 4 – playdoh phases of the moon.
Art Activities after teaching moon appearance and craters : paper mache balloon art moon construction.
Second hand experience photos of craters and first hand experience drop ball in flour.
Draw appearance of moon in Space copy.
Next week set of lessons: multicultural- discuss and show how the moon is portrayed in different cultures through popular myths and fairytales.
Lead to drama- each table group takes a fairytale or myth and recreates it.
English & Art- children individually or in pairs create their own moon related fairytale – show and tell.