Reply To: Module 3 – Stars, Space and Aliens

Ashling Mccartan

    The activity set that I have chosen is ‘Space and Aliens. There is a wide variety of different ways that children can explore the topic of Space and Aliens.
    • Show the children a picture of space and ask the children do they know anything about the topic. After a few discussion points, show a fun picture of a friendly alien and ask the children what they think or know. Ask the children what they would like to show the alien here on earth – What animals, objects, places etc. Use Google Slides to make a slideshow of the different things the class would like to show the alien.
    • Story Book – Aliens Love Underpants. Discuss the story and get children to say their favourite part.
    • Drawing – The children must draw and colour what they think an alien would look like. Children can give the alien a name and they must present their alien to the class.
    • Good Noodle Dance – Alien Boogie

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