Reply To: Module 2 – The Moon, the Earth and the Sun

Sharon Coyne

    How would you use the activity in your classroom? Post a reflective piece to the forum (150 words min) as a reply to this post. You may include digital records of the activities.

    I would use the story “Can’t you sleep little bear” as a stimulus for engaging the class.

    I would start by discussing the differences between night and day with the class.

    What do we see at night? The moon and stars

    What do we see at day? The sun

    Then we would discuss the different activities we do on the day and night and create a list.

    We would read the story can’t you sleep little bear and discuss why little bear had trouble sleeping.

    The children would identify that little bear was afraid of the dark which comes at night time.

    We would identify how Big bear tries to help little bear, Then we would discuss and name different sources of light- torch, fire, light, candle, etc.

    Then we would discuss how Big bear and little bear leave the cave and see the light from the moon and stars.

    We would discuss the moon and do an experiment to show how light and dark (day/night) occurs using a globe and torch.

    Finally we would create pictures of the night sky over little bear and bug bear.

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