Reply To: Module 1 – The Curious Minds/ESERO Framework

Aoife Purcell

    Hi, My name is Aoife and I am currently teaching Junior Infants. My favourite fact about space is that space is completely silent.

    I enjoyed the suggestions for the lesson on gravity in Module 1 and I think that the children would really enjoy it too. In my infant classroom I would follow a plan like this for the lesson.
    • Introducing the trigger, wondering, discussing, exploring
    • Exploring different types of forces – pulling a chair, jumping etc.
    • Exploring how objects fall
    • Discussion/reflection on what happened during the experiment.

    We like to use a buddy system in our school with 6th class so I think we could extend the lesson by using the older children to help the younger ones design and create a parachute. They would have lots of fun working together to create the parachute and also testing their creations together outside. It would be a good way to show them how a parachute lessens the effect of gravity.

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