Reply To: Module 1 – The Curious Minds/ESERO Framework

Margaret Lane

    Hi, My name is Margaret, I will be teaching senior infants in September. My favourite space fact is knowing that some stars we see are actually extinct. We are only receiving their light now as it takes millions of years for the light to travel and reach earth, therefore we are seeing the stars in the past.

    An enquiry- based activity- This year I ran an afterschool Science club with ‘Junior Einsteins’. The children loved doing the experiment the Fizzy Balloon experiment which looks at gases from a volcano and the effects it can have during an eruption of a volcano.
    • a Funnel
    • drinks bottle
    • vinegar
    • balloon
    • 3-5 tablespoons of baking soda at least
    • 1 cup of Vinegar
    Pour baking soda into a balloon. Pour vinegar into the bottle using the funnel. Remove the funnel. Quickly fit the balloon over the neck of the bottle. Lift the balloon up pouring the baking soda into the vinegar. Ask the children what they think will happen when you mix the baking soda and vinegar together. Make sure the children hold the balloon on the neck of the bottle and shake the soda down into the bottle, all at once. The balloon starts to blow up because of the pressure, or force, of the gas in the bottle. The more gas given out, the more the balloon fills.

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