Reply To: Module 5 – Rockets & Alien Chemistry

Kate Muckian

    Space Week Class Plan for Junior Infants


    Introduce students to basic concepts of space, including planets, stars, and astronauts.
    Encourage curiosity and enthusiasm about space exploration – Questioning.
    Provide hands-on activities to reinforce learning through play and creativity.
    Throughout the week I will

    ·       Decorate the classroom with space posters and hanging planets to create an immersive environment.

    Play soft, space-themed music during activities to keep the theme present throughout the week.
    Day 1: Introduction to Space

    Theme: What is Space?


    Story Time:
    Read a space-themed book, such as “There’s No Place Like Space” by Tish Rabe.
    Discuss the story and ask students what they found most interesting.
    Questioning throughout story time.
    Interactive Discussion:
    Show pictures of planets, stars, and astronauts.
    Explain in simple terms what space is and who astronauts are and what they do.
    Use physical resources like a toy rocket and planets to make the discussion more engaging.
    Art Activity:
    Materials: Black card/paper, white chalk or crayons/ metallic markers, star stickers.
    Activity: Create a night sky scene by drawing stars and placing star stickers.
    Day 2: Exploring Planets

    Theme: The Planets in Our Solar System


    Circle Time:
    Sing a simple planet song to the tune of “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” to introduce the names of the planets.
    Planet Colouring:
    Materials: Printable planet colouring sheets, crayons, markers.
    Activity: Colour pictures of different planets and talk about and question one or two interesting facts about each planet as they colour.
    Sensory Play:
    Materials: Sand, small pebbles, toy rockets, and astronauts.
    Activity: Create a small “moon” or “Mars” sensory bin where students can play with toy rockets and astronauts.
    Day 3: Stars and Constellations

    Theme: What are Stars?


    Starry Sky Projector:
    Materials: A star projector or flashlight with a star cut-out (Can get on amazon they’re great for cool downs).
    Activity: Darken the room and project stars onto the ceiling, explaining that stars are far-away suns.
    Constellation Craft:
    Materials: Black card/paper, white chalk, star stickers, constellations templates.
    Activity: Use the templates to create constellations with stickers and chalk.
    Star Movement Activity:
    Materials: Star cut-outs.
    Activity: Place star cut-outs around the room. Have students “hop” from star to star, practicing counting as they go- They’re making their own star constellations by hopping from star to star.
    Day 4: Astronauts and Space Travel

    Theme: Life as an Astronaut


    Dress-Up Play:
    Materials: Simple astronaut costumes or helmets (can be made from cardboard and foil).
    Activity: Pretend play where students can dress up as astronauts and imagine going to space.
    Rocket Craft:
    Materials: Toilet paper rolls, paper, glue, markers.
    Activity: Create rockets using toilet paper rolls and paper. Decorate them with markers and stickers.
    Movement Activity:
    Activity: “Blast off” by jumping high into the air and practicing counting down from 10 with their hand-made rockets.
    Day 5: Space Week Review and Celebration

    Theme: Space Week Recap


    Space Bingo:
    Materials: Bingo cards with pictures of planets, stars, rockets, and astronauts.
    Activity: Play a simple game of Space Bingo to review what they’ve learned.
    Space Snacks:
    Materials: Star-shaped cookies or fruit, juice.
    Activity: Have a space-themed snack time and discuss their favourite parts of Space Week.
    Certificate of Participation:
    Materials: Printable certificates.
    Activity: Hand out certificates to each student for participating in Space Week. Take a group photo to commemorate the week dressed in space suits and/or hand-made rockets.

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