Reply To: Module 5 – Rockets & Alien Chemistry

Christine O’Brien

    Consolidate your experiences and action plans in the course by creating a class plan to engage with Space Week.

    In my own context, if I don’t use it for Space Week, I envisage it being used in the week before the class engages fully in the Integrated Learning through Play block ‘Space Travel Agent’ The Space Week Plan can be used at class level or can be rolled out across the school, if desired. It is intended that the children get an overview of many aspects of Space

    MONDAY – The Planets
    The Planets song – 8 Planets of the Solar System Song (Link to Music)
    The planets – Journey through the Solar System (ESERO 1) (link to PE)

    TUESDAY – The Moon
    Video of first moon landing (link to History)
    Craters on the surface of the moon – experiment with objects being dropped on flour
    Meet Our Neighbours: Moon (Link to Art)
    Multicultural Moon Stories (Link to Ethical Education)

    WEDNESDAY – The Sun/Shadows
    Book – The Sun is my Favourite Star by Frank Asch (link to English)
    Where is the Shadow? (ESERO 29) includes drawing outline of shadows at different times of the day (Link to Art – Drawing – form) and/or
    Sundial with upturned flower pot and bamboo stick – measure at various times (link to History)

    THURSDAY – Rockets
    Marvin & Milo – Whole class Balloon Rocket (note: have sting and straw prepped). Add variations and/or
    Marvin & Milo – Alka Seltzer Rocket / Chemical rocket launch using old film containers or vitamin/seltzer containers

    FRIDAY – Aliens
    Dancing raisins
    Blow up balloon using vinegar & baking soda – Balloon Blow up Demonstration to show children how carbon dioxide can be created and then used to blow up a balloon.
    Hands on Experiments! – Explosions – The children will work in teams to try and create the perfect glittery explosion mixture. The children will start by adding baking soda. Then the children can decide which colour of food dye and glitter they would like. The children will then add liquid dish soap to the mixture, being careful not to stir it too much and create bubbles. Finally each team will have a chance to test which mixture works the best by adding vinegar to it. The result! A colourful Bubble explosion! This can be done in an empty plastic container.
    Note: taken from BCO Fizzing & Foaming document

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