Reply To: Module 2 – The Moon, the Earth and the Sun

Laura Ryan

    I would chose the activity set based on the sun. There are so many lovely picture books that can be used as a trigger. The Rabbit, the Dark and the Biscuit Tin by Niocla O’ Byrne is always a class favourite. Or Day Monkey, Night Monkey by Julia Donaldson is a lovely story to introduce the topic of shadows.

    I’d start by reading this story to the children. Night Monkey doesn’t know what shadows are. At this point of the story I’d staop and use this as a question to engage the children…I wonder what shadows are….

    The children chat in groups and share their ideas with the class. I will record their ideas.

    I’ll bring the children outside with some chalk, a piece of white paper and a free standing toy.  The children can explore the shadows their bodies make in the playground. After a while they can trace around the shadow of their toy on the page to have as a record of their investigation.

    Return to the classroom and ask the children why they think the shadows are dark? Do you always have a shadow? How do you think shadows are formed? Where is the light coming from?

    Finish the story of Day Monkey, Night Monkey.

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