Reply To: Module 3: Building a Future-Ready Classroom: Exploring SSE and Digital Integration

Home Forums Crafting a Game Based Learning Environment Module 3: Building a Future-Ready Classroom: Exploring SSE and Digital Integration Reply To: Module 3: Building a Future-Ready Classroom: Exploring SSE and Digital Integration

Conor Forde

    Using digital technology in the classroom helps teachers to make learning more accessible for all. ICT in the classroom promotes improved concentration and engagement in the students. It changes the traditional explicit teaching to a more student lead learning where the teacher takes the facilitator role and helps the children to explore the content. With the new curriculum it will be important to do a SSE to explore what is effective and what can be improved in our schools. We can identify areas within our implementation of ICT, gather some evidence, analyse, report and develop the improvement plan. Once the plan has been developed and all stakeholders within the community have been consulted we can implement the plan. This can help to develop the proficiency of the staff in embedding digital technology in the classroom, develop the infrastructure and looking to establish digital leadership and policy in the school. This in turn will lead to a more sustainable and effective implementation of ICT within Irish classrooms.