Climate Science Champions with SEAI, SFI Curious Minds and ESERO

Current Status
€50 (includes morning coffee/tea & lunches)
Course ended

Join us in person (Face to Face) July 1st-5th 2024 to learn about climate change and renewable energy and, how to introduce it in the classroom and encourage practical action.

Course Information

During this course we will help you as a teacher to teach children about climate change, in a hands-on and practical way through inquiry-based STEM learning.  Each venue offers outdoor learning opportunities which we’ll avail of during the course. We will look at the science behind climate change, the role of space exploration in understanding our planet and its processes and the importance of biodiversity. You will learn how to teach about this important topic in a positive and solutions focused way. 

While primarily STEM based, the course makes strong links with language and literacy as well as creative arts and a cross curricular approach is modelled throughout. The course looks at the links between climate change and wellbeing by demonstrating how to connect children with the natural world and involving them in simple positive changes in school and at home.

The course will make use of a range of resources from the SFI Curious Minds programme, the European Space Education Resource Office (ESERO) and the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI).

*Teachers will need to bring a laptop or other device to access online course materials.

Course Duration

This course will be in person (Face to Face) for five days July 1st-5th 2024, 9.30 -2.30 in the following venue.

Airfield Estate, Dublin (*Book through Blackrock Education Centre website)
Teachers who complete this this course qualify for 3 EPV days

Course tutors: Nuala Madigan and Una Halpin

Course Content