Using your Calculator
Junior CycleSenior CycleOverview
I developed a website which teaches pupils how to use one particular calculator, the Casio fx – 83MS. (Although most of the site can be used with any particular calculator) It contains details on how each button on the calculator functions and its relevance to the current syllabi. The pupil is given relevant options pertaining to their level and course of study. The options are to learn how to use the calculator or to take a quiz, which tests the pupils which may be all that is needed if the site is used for revision purposes. Each button on the calculator contains a link to a page, which explains in as simple of terms as possible, the function of the button, in relation to the current syllabi. The page proceeds to show the pupil how to use the button in a series of examples, which explicitly show the pupil what key sequence to press for that particular calculation. Each button contains a quiz with instant feedback on any mistakes that may have been made.The site is suitable for all years and levels in Secondary School. The site can be used as a whole unit for teaching the calculator over a week to two period or just occasionally as a topic relevant to the calculator arises. The site is ideal in that pupils can attempt questions at their own pace and each pupil will get feedback on their own mistakes. The site could also be used with a data projector and explained by the teacher with the pupils trying the examples and the quizzes.
Curriculum Addressed
The website is suitable for pupils in all programmes in secondary school. Suitable option for transition year pupils.
The site is suitable for all years and levels in Secondary School. The site can be used as a whole unit for teaching the calculator over a week to two period or just occasionally as a topic relevant to the calculator arises. The site is ideal in that pupils can attempt questions at their own pace and each pupil will get feedback on their own mistakes. The site could also be used with a data projector and explained by the teacher with the pupils trying the examples and the quizzes.
- Client Name: Padraic Kavanagh
- Project URL: http://resources.teachnet.ie/pkavanagh/2004/INDEX2.HTM
- Skills Needed: Calculators. Data projector for whole class participation, with the site downloaded locally. The site can be used by pupils alone also at home for revision. Class time could vary from one class for a particular button to a two week period for complete coverage.