Reply To: Module 3 – Stars, Space and Aliens

Irene O Mahony

    Activity Set; Space and Aliens
    Elicit prior knowledge from the children from previous lessons based on where we live etc. Revise the fact we live on Earth, Earth is a planet. Introduce the fact that there are other planets in space. What do the children like about living on earth. Tell the children that as far as we know there are no people living on the other planets. Get the children to imagine that there are aliens / martians living on another planet, it could be their imaginary friend for a day; what does it look like, what is its name. This alien is going to make a one day special visit to Earth and it is up to each child in the class to decide what would be the best things to show this alien while they are on earth, it could include bringing them to a certain place, showing them some animals, teaching them how we do things etc. The children can draw what they would show or do with this alien.

    Afterwards, the children will have the opportunity to show their drawings, act out their drawings or tell the children about what they drew if they wish. Have a class discussion on what a busy, fun day the alien would have if they visited Earth for a day.

    Tell the children that even if we wanted to visit another planet for a day it wouldn’t have the right conditions for us to survive. Earth is perfect for us as it has an even temperature, we have an abundance of liquid water and we are sufficiently far enough away from the sun; not too hot or too cold.

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